Thursday, April 16, 2015

1 Down ,,,,,,,,,,,

1 to go! The week that is, now I have one more before I go see the kid. I always enjoy seeing him and I don't mind the travel. I guess that part of me comes from the truck driver in me. An 8 hour drive just isn't that bad to me. I load up and hit the road, simple as that.

Plus I always enjoy seeing other parts of the country. Especially this time of the year going north, they are about 3 weeks behind us as far as spring arriving, We have leaves and the pollen has dropped and people are planting the gardens now. Up north they are still getting ready to do what we have already done.

Just imagine how our trees looked 3 weeks ago and that's what they have now. It's neat to travel! You get so lost in your own world you tend to forget how life is the same struggle in other places. People are doing the same things you are just in different parts of the country. Everybody has a bill to pay and a job to do.

I hope Chase decides to go to a school a little closer so I can see him more often but at least Cody's school will be over before long. It's hard to believe he's been there for 5 months already. At the same time it's hard to believe Chase is almost done with the 9th grade. High school will be over before long and then college will be too. I hate to say it but I guess I wish the kids where still in elementary school........

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