Thursday, August 30, 2012

Almost !!!!!!!!!!

Almost, ready for the road! We cleaned again last night and made a lot of progress. Got about 90 percent of the chrome polished and it's looking good.

Cody and Chase went to church and while they where gone I did the work. When they got home I put Cody back at it and the seat is on.

As you can see he doesn't need to ride anybody so he doesn't need a back seat! All we have left to do now is change the oil and get a new tag for it and it will be on the road. I plan to ride it to work next week and make sure everything is good to. He won't have his learners permit for another month so I get to play for awhile.

I took the picture of the seat before I put armour all on it. But it's shining now! The kid is happy! Chase says he wants a dual sport bike to ride. At least I have a few years to come up with that. Pedal bike ride tonight!!!

Day 15..........

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

2 Wheels Baby..........

Since I am already tired of talking about Lance I decided it's time to move on. Today we are gonna start with my new GMC Jimmy.

Charles (my personal car salesman) hooked me up. I like this thing. It's clean as hell and in great shape! The only thing I need to do to it is have the hood painted. The clear coat is starting to peel off. Everything else is top shelf! It only has a 110 thousand miles on it, not bad for a 97.

Next we have my son. He gets his full license in a month. Then he will be able to drive after 9pm and he is eligible for his motorcycle permit. I have been over this subject for months, do I want him on a street bike or not! The wife doesn't really like the ideal but you know she wouldn't anyway. Yes he is 16 and that's young. But if he's gonna learn shouldn't he learn from me.

He is a good kid, both of my kids are good kids. He drives really well and is cautious. No he won't be riding it at night and I haven't decided if he is gonna ride it to school. Although he probably will.

removed the battery..notice no shine on the chrome

new battery

before the wash.....
So it has been getting some love! Friday night it got a new battery and the we got it running again! I haven't ridden it in about 3 years so I was glad it started. I was ready for a trip to the shop for a carb rebuild kit. Then last night we washed it. Now it's time to polish it!

It cleaned up really well., and since we have the seat off we are going to polish all the painted area's, even under the seat.

shine baby shine!!!!!!!!

fat tank......
One or two spots are gonna require extra attention to get them up to par but the only person who will know will be me and the kid. I could probably leave them alone and no one would ever know. But later they would get worse so I need to work on them now.

The only draw back to this is Chase has already decided he wants a new motorcycle for his 16th birthday he doesn't want a car!!!!   LOL......

Day 14.......

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rain Is Coming ?????

I missed a whole week right before we went on vacation from the rain so I feel like it's rained a lot. Then we came home and I have been riding every since!

As a matter of fact including last night I have ridden 5 of the last 6 days. All without rain. Then on my way home last night I notice, "man it looks like it's gonna rain".

My yard needs mowed, damn! I jump on the mower and get it done. It rained right at the end but not long. Now we are gonna get it the next few days. This sucks! I might even have to try out my my gym membership. I keep talking about it and have it so why not.

Ok, now I am gonna say my peace on Lance: I think it sucks. I have been a big fan of his and to see this happen just kinda sucks. I was even a fan of Greg Lemond when he won the tour. I was like 12 years old when that happened. Nobody kept up with cycling here in the states. Then Lance came along and cycling exploded here in the states.

All because of him. Everybody liked cycling.

Did he dope, probably if you look back at his time line and career you will see a lot of evidence. Not even including all the witnesses who personally saw him do it. It's just to much. Then the fact that just about every single rider who raced against him at that time has failed a test or been caught and suspended. Does that mean he's guilty, no. Do I think he is, yes..

Now lets move on. We all know how much he has done for cancer treatment and research, and that's a good thing. Yes he made his mistakes and yes he has done a lot. He will keep on doing a lot and hopefully people will learn from this. He has to live with it, I don't. so let's move on.......

Basically I am already tired of talking about it.....

Day 13......

Monday, August 27, 2012

The New Start.....

Off again! On our way, a new school year is here. The kids got up this morning and hit the road.

No complaint, just up and at it. It seems like the summer gets shorter and shorter every year. Although I think they where both ready for it.

Chase starts the 7th grade and Cody is now on the really step down slope.

Two more years and he's done! It seems like only yesterday he was in kindergarten! Really, it was only yesterday! Chase was still riding around in the stroller, Cody used to like pushing him. We have pictures!

The older they get, it seems the less we are involved. In elementary we always had something to do, Karen worked in the library and I was always helping set up for something. In middle school they start taking the parents out of the loop. The kids are big enough to move the furniture and they don't need help in the library.

Chase isn't playing sports this fall so we have nothing there. Cody, with his knee, he still can't play soccer so we don't have any thing there either! It seems kinda weird.

For the last few years we had practice and concession stands to work.

Cody drives them to school and Chase comes home on the bus. He likes to ride in the afternoon so he can see his friends. He actually wanted to ride the bus home.... I hated the bus......

Oh well, life moves on......

Tally for the weekend, Sherman Saturday, 2 laps... Sunday Cheraw SC with Cody..

The sand was soft and it made for a harder than usual lap. This afternoon I am hitting Sherman with Kelly and who knows what else for the week....

Day 12.......

Friday, August 24, 2012

It Is What It Is........

First we can start with my weekend plans. After a week vacation and school starting on Monday my wallet is about to start blowing dust!

You open it up and nothing but dust is gonna be found!

Dad, mom, "I need this I need that" what the hell. Don't my taxes pay for anything anymore? Notebooks flash drives pens pencils, parking passes!

Yea that last one is a new one for sure! He drove last year and I bought one then, but this year it seems like it's more.

Of course they both needed hair cuts and shoes, Cha ching! Cha ching!!!!!

With all that being said I ain't got no race money! As I said already when Kelly and Scott pulled out I knew it wouldn't take much for me to do the same. $70.00 saved is the way I look at it.

I thought about heading over there tonight for a night ride, I hear rumors that there might be one. Besides that I am thinking about tomorrow. How far will $70 in gas get me?

My calculations - gas at 3.75/gallon  $70=18/gallons 18 gallons X 21mpg = 378 miles

Now where do I want to go????? Decisions, decisions.......

One last thing, yea they finally lowered the boom on Lance Armstrong........ I am gonna think about it this weekend before I open my mouth.... Right now "It Is What It Is"

Day 9.........

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Getting Back To Normal..............

I keep talking about it and we are, it just takes a few days. You don't just come home and everything is the same. First you have to unpack and then the store. It takes a few days to get used to your own bed again and of course everybody kinda wants their own space for a few days.

After a week together we need our own space! I love my wife and kids, but when I get home I want "my time". Of course the yard had to be done and that sucked. So life moves on.

The one thing that has been working out to my liking is the fact that I have ridden about everyday since we got home. Last night was a short 1 lap ride at Sherman.

I got the 29 out and gave it a lap. Sometimes I like it sometimes I don't, until I make up my mind I will keep riding it. It might not get the most attention but it gets some. Then tonight I am going out on the road bike for a short spin. Tomorrow night will be a rest night.

As I said yesterday Kelly and Scott are out for the weekend so I am open for a plan. I was gonna go ahead and hit the Uhwarrie 50 mile race. But then I stumbled across a ride in DuPont State Forest. They have a 25 and 50 mile ride planned, it's to raise money for trail work.

They are gonna have fully stocked aid stations and well marked trails. It's kinda like a race but it's more of a social ride thing. I have always wanted to ride DuPont and this would be a good chance. One way or another I am gonna spend the day riding.

Today is day 8........

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So Now What ??????????????

Now that we are done with the vacation and have been to the mountains and the beach, what next?

I have my fall trip with the guys to the mountains. Besides that I am not sure....

Yes this week end is the Rivers Edge Mountain Bike Marathon, Kelly and Scott are both working so they aren't going. With them out I seem to have lost my motivation to go. I went over to Uhwarrie Sunday and rode a few laps and I know where I stand.

I could finish the race but it would be at a ride pace, not a race pace! The only thing I would gain by going would be a new t-shirt!

Sixty dollars is a lot to pay for a t-shirt! LOL

I did get my new GMC Jimmy last night! The first thing I did was put my Rocket Box on top! Now I can haul all my crap. As you can see I am heading to the woods right after work today. Charles hooked me up!

He's my personal car salesman! I told him to start looking I will need another "something" in 3 more years! That's how long I had the truck he sold me.

Also on a random note, I am going to start putting a count at the bottom of each post. It will be a day count, when I finally reach a significant number I will explain what the number means. Right now it will be a personal project for my own motivation. Today is day 7.....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Picture Time!!!!!!

Yep, let's go ahead and get this over with. We came we saw we came home. Had a good time and look forward to going again!

Stanley the turkey over seeing the car loading...

view from the porch

view from the end of the pier our building is on the left...


sunset from end of pier...
Of course I could show you 30 more shots of all the crap I know you don't care about. Instead I went with a few shots. It never did get to hot all week so that was really nice. The kids where really good and we had fun... Until next time!!!!!!

Tomorrow we are gonna talk about racing...... 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Man That Was A Short Week......

Yep, I am back and trying to get into the groove. We got home Saturday about 2 and then it was on! Unpacking and cleaning the car.

I had to get the van back to it's rightful owner. Mom, she missed her ride and was glad to get it back all clean and vacumed out.

Of course I have the camera today but no cord to hook it to the computer. So we will save the pictures for tomorrow.

The kids had a great time, we spent the week playing in the sand and laying on the beach. Cody did a little fishing and Chase did a little of everything. Of course we did the shopping trip to Barefoot Landing and you can't spend a week at the beach without playing put-put at least once.

Not sure how the weather was here in Charlotte but we only had rain one time and that was the first day we got there. Then to top it off it never really did get that hot! So overall it was a good week.

The kids have one more week out of school and then summer will be officially over! It seems like time gets faster every year. Next thing you know fall will be here and will be looking for a pumpkin.

The only thing we have on the agenda now is a fall mtn bike trip and maybe a trip to Florida. I am looking into a trip to Pennsylvania for the Fall Classic Road Ride. That would be a first for me. I could see my brother and get in a hundred mile road ride.

Stay tuned.....

Friday, August 10, 2012

It's Time

Time for the fun to begin! It might as well, I haven't riden the bike all week and last night was no different.

It's stormed everyday out our way. That sucks! I guess I will wait till I get home to make a decision on weather or not I will torcher myself the following weekend. Once I get home and get a ride in and see just how bad off I am after a 2 week break then I will decide.

Do I regret not riding this week, of course I do. Is it gonna ruin my vacation, of course "NOT"... As of the alarm going of this morning I am shifting into vacation mode!

We went to mom's for dinner last night and swapped vehicles, Cody and I came home and put the Rocket Box on top and now we are ready!

Something about just getting the box mounted made me realize, finally it's time! The van is now a rocket machine!!!!!

Now to change gears. Every time I take a week off and don't do any blogging my stats go down the toilet! Then it takes another 2 months for it to come alive again!

Don't believe me, readers are fickle. They forget about you really fast. Kinda that "what have you done for me lately" scenario. That being said I am gonna try to stay on top of this next week...

We'll see how it goes........

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It Gets Better......

I hope.....

We leave Saturday for vacation and now the wife is getting sick..

Who's gonna pack? If you leave it up to me the kids are gonna be wearing the same thing everyday! Swim trunks and t-shirts!

Oh well, were going to the beach so nobody will know the difference! We can make her ride in a separate car and sleep on the deck. That way nobody else will get it........

Of course I am kidding, I hope she feels better quick! It sucks to be sick, but it really sucks to be sick on vacation! You plan these things out and hope for the best. This would be the first for this so we will get through it.

The kids are excited and I am looking forward to it. I know she is too. Of course now that it's time to go I am rethinking the leave the bike at home plan! I want to race week after next and need to ride but I hate to take away from my vacation for training.

I like to take my bike trips, the ones when that's all I do is go to ride. But the family trips, I like to leave them at home. That's just the way I roll. I can go and get away from the regular. Riding is part of the regular and that's what vacations are for.

"No regular"

I don't get paid to ride so why not not ride.... Make sense???

Worst case scenario, I show up at Uhwarrie in 2 weeks, I suck, I get in 50 hard miles and I get a new t-shirt!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Going Nuts..Or Maybe I Am.....

I wonder sometimes!!!!

A second evening sitting on the couch! That hurt!!!!!

If the weather doesn't get any better I swear I will go nuts. Last night makes day 2 of a nap and nothing else. Unless you count cleaning the kitchen as exercise I am 2 for 2 for the last 2 days.

Not good.......

I need a challenge and I really want to start with this. I just hate to show up with hardly any preparation! If I had gotten in the last 2 nights I would feel like I was at least improving. But now counting the rides I can get in before the race I am only at like 5 days. With 3 of them the week of the race.

And none next week..... 50 miles and no training at Uhwarrie would really be a struggle. Although I have done dummer stuff.... The goal would be to just finish it...

That's all I could expect right now.....Got to start some where.....

If I want to do any of the mountain stuff next year I better get used to it.......

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Short and Sweet.........

Rest night! We grilled out and had one grandma over and Emma came too. The other grandma is sick right now so she took a pass. Emma has been in Michigan for the last 5 weeks so it was nice to have her back around.

Halfway through grilling a storm came up and I had to move to the George Foreman to finish things up. That was a pain in the ass. Then it rained all night.

That makes today a pain in the ass! How am I gonna ride with all this, I want to hit it hard this week since I won't be around next week and it's raining like hell. Is what it is...

The Rivers Edge Mtn Bike Race is coming up the 25th. 5 laps at Uhwarrie and I was starting to think about going, but this isn't really helping. I all ready had next week off with a vacation and that would leave 2 weeks to get ready.

With a week off in the middle. Not very good for a race. I want to start doing some of the mountain races and this would be a good place to start...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Average Weekend.........

So no plan and a good weekend. Started out Saturday and said what the hell, I haven't been to Ann Springs in a few years so off I went! Cody and I rode there a few summers ago and I raced there before, it's just one of those trails that is just a little to far from the house.

So anyway I like that place, it has a lot more climbing than most of the trails around here and it's a little rougher than most. On the fun scale it's always cool to ride somewhere you normally don't. Plus I figured out it only takes 45-50 minutes to get there. I will remember that, I need a new place in the rotation.

I finally mowed the yard Saturday when I got home so now one more time before we head out Saturday. Sunday I hit Sherman for a lap and a half and headed back to the pool. Overall I had a good weekend. Got to ride both days and did a little yard work.

Next we have a week of riding and packing to follow. The summer is starting to wind down and school will be starting before long. It seems like time is flying by right now. We just got out of school and the summer is going fast. Fall will be here before long and the weather will be changing. I am looking forward to that.

Oh yea, Cody got home last night around 10 so it was nice to have him home. Emma is back all is well, she had a great summer and now she's back.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Gonna Be A Sale........

Yep it's time to get rid of some stuff. Bikes that is, I have several that get no love. Monday I will have pictures on here of what's going. Chase is out growing things and Cody has 1 or 2 he doesn't ride so it's time to sell.

Plus I need a new bike and the boys want a new four wheeler. Secretly I do to! I can't tell the wife that though. If I did she would say you don't need that. But for the kids she will understand! Check this out!!

I have been wanting one of these for awhile now! Why, why not! We get so much snow around here (not) that I know it would come in handy! Besides if you can make this thing go, it's got to make you faster on a regular bike. No I haven't checked on the price yet but I want one.

4 and half inch wide tires just seem cool to me! The name is cool too! Beargrease, yep that's what it's called. How can you not like a bike with a name like that.

Anyhow, I hit Sherman last night and then came home and serviced the bike for tomorrow. I don't know my plan yet and I don't want to make any. Seems like when I make plans I don't continue through with them so why not just shoot from the hip and see where I end up.

Cody has gone to Michigan to pick up his girlfriend, he rode with her dad. She spent the summer with her mom and now she's coming home.

One more week till we have our end of summer week at the beach so everybody is getting excited about it. Me too! The yard needs mowed and the car needs washed.....

What a life.......Have a good weekend..............

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Since I got on a roll and "Reviewed" a set of pedals yesterday we might as well continue with the theme!

Today we are gonna talk about bikes.

Specialized! So far my favorite bike! After having such a good ride Tuesday I am kinda pumped again about the mtn bike. To me it's not fun unless you get up to the speed where it's easier to ride. Does that make sense? I swear it's easier to go fast than it is to go slow.

Believe me I have spent enough time on both sides of that line. Recently too! Once you get over that hump it's like a relief, things become more fun. Little hills become un noticeable, big hills become manageable. You start looking forward to riding places that you avoided just a short time ago.

Back to the subject. As you know I have the 29er and my 26. I keep trying to ride the 29er and it just doesn't seem to work. I can ride the 26 and roll with it. So I think I am gonna stick with that. Right now I have been riding a Specialized Epic Expert, 2010 model.

I bought it new at the end of 09' right when the 2010 models came out. I put one year of steady racing on it and then it's been my regular ride for the last 2 years. It's had the grips replaced about 3 times! That's it!

I have pounded this bike like a Walmart special, it's got scratches all over it, a dent in the rear triangle of the frame. It looks a little rough but damn it's a good bike. I wash it and oil the chain, once in awhile I might clean the chain, that's about the end of the maintance.

Literally I haven't had to adjust the derailleur in about 2 years! That's a good bike! It's got Sram X-0 components and a Shimano Hollow Core crank. It's been bullet proof. It handles like a dirt bike the more weight you put over the front wheel the faster it will turn, the Rock Shock Sid front fork has to be the best fork I have ever owned.

The rear shock is the Specialized "brain" technology. I run it with about 30 percent sag and it's the bomb. It climbs good and rolls fast at speed, you don't notice the bounce when you are standing and it soaks up the square edge hits with no problem.

The overall riding position is a little aggressive, or at least I have mine set up that way, but that could be changed with a few adjustments. Overall the point is I am going to need another bike before long. It's time to upgrade! I think I have decided it's time for the carbon version.......

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Now We Have a Problem......

That's why I hate change! All it does is create problems! I have ridden the same pedals for 20 years, 20 years!

That's a long time.

Because of that I have 10 bicycles with the same set-up. Everyone XTR Shimano clipless pedals. Nice pedals too! All are high end, none are low end. Only the best!

Then yesterday I decide to try my Crank Brothers Pedals. Like a dumb ass.....

All my buddies ride them and love them, you go to a race and most of the pro's ride them. I have always stuck with what I know. I liked the way they held your foot so tight. XTR's are kinda of a pain to set up, you really have to get them lined up straight. Or your knees hurt..

Now I know why my knees hurt! Yea, sometimes I have knee pain. I usually just chalk it up to getting old. Not any more! Last night Kelly and I rode at Sherman and cranked off a fast lap. One of the faster ones I have done lately. Then I turned around and rode a lap backwards looking for Gary. I found him back on the lake loop. Then I turned around and rode out with him.

Took a short break and headed right back out for lap 2. In all I rode 2 and a half laps. No knee pain at all! Do I think it was the pedals. Yep, had everything to do with it. Once you get used to extra movement (that took about 2 minutes) I was good to go. Are these for everybody, I don't know. For me yes.

Only problem I have is now I need about 5 more sets. At 90 bucks a pop!!!!!!!!

I hate change....