Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday and I am Back................

OK, Friday I was off, I didn't feel good and took a day off. I had a mild case of food poison, but by Saturday I was all well and back in action. If you are unaware the Tour De France finished up yesterday (Sunday) and I watched every stage every night. One of these days I am going to be in Europe when they are having the race. I love looking at how beautiful the country of France is. They don't tear down anything over there. I watched for 3 full weeks and they went thru 100's of towns and not once did I see a Wal-Mart. If we didn't have Wal-Mart where would all of the American people shop. They sure wouldn't know how to find a store if it didn't take up 4-football fields and have a huge sign up on the highway.

Anyway, as I said the Tour wrapped up and I was kinda surprised at the outcome, I would have bet a 100 bucks Andy Schleck was going to win but he didn't he came in 2nd with his brother Frank 3rd. I haven't kept up with Cadel Evans enough to have thought he was going to win, even though he has finished like 2nd and 3rd the last few years. Alberto Contrador didn't do squat and I am glad. I didn't want him to win.

Cadel Evans

l to r Frank Alberto and Cadel

climbing the alps

Schleck brothers
Do you realize that only 3 people who are not European have won the Tour, including Cadel he is from Australia. Then we have Greg Lemond and Lance Armstrong from the states. The Tour is 98 years old and every winner has been from Europe except those three. Fascinating (if you like bike racing)...

Another thing , if you notice Cadel rides for the BMC racing team from the USA. That's right he is on an American team! We came we saw we kicked ass......

Yes me and the boy did some riding over the weekend and I will get to that tomorrow..............

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