Tuesday, November 25, 2014

So Far So Good ...............

I have been here for one hour and 15 minutes and my computer hasn't crashed yet! I have my fingers crossed, hopefully I can make a full day with no hick ups! The last few days have definitely been an adventure.

As I said the other day I rode Saturday and spent Sunday walking in the rain. I came home yesterday and had plans to walk the country club but the rain came and that squashed that. Instead I came home and did the dishes and that was about it. The excitement was raining down!

I made myself stay up for the first quarter of the football game and then it was bed time. I did find time to load up all my stuff to ride today. I don't know if that will happen or not but I am ready. I thought the rain was gonna be here Sunday and that was it. Yesterday was a surprise and then today we have about 55 percent chance of rain again.

Right now it shows we will have a clear day Thursday and then rain again on Friday. Of course the clear day will be when I am expected to see all the family and play nice. I would rather it rained all day Thursday and then I had a great day on my day off!

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