Friday, April 11, 2014

I Must Be Cursed,,,,,,,,

Or at least I am having a run of bad luck! First my lawn mower slung a belt and I had to order one. Then my blazer broke down and won't be fixed until I get home from vacation. Yesterday I got the new belt I ordered and it was the wrong size! I am trying to get everything ready and get the hell out of town. The yard needed mowed and 10 other things.

I ended up borrowing the neighbors mower and getting that done. The only thing is it took an extra hour to get everything done. I had to round up the neighbor go get the mower, go get gas. Blah, blah, blah.. Yes I got the yard mowed and the oil changed in the vehicles. The bikes are ready and we are just about packed.

                                               I need a break....

It's gonna be sweet,,,,,,

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