Friday, April 25, 2014

Gonna Be Good...............

That's right, after being in the mountains last week and the weather being kinda tough it's good to be back! I got my ride in Sunday, of course we have talked about that this week. Then I haven't been able to get out till last night. It was perfect! The weather was spot on, the wind was down it was just what I have been waiting for!

I didn't have to wear any arm warmers or legging's I knew the temps would stay up for me to get in a good ride! I left a little after 5 and got home right at dark. 40 miles and a perfect evening, those are the rides I have been waiting for all winter. I made my way out of the area without much traffic and then I pretty much had the roads all to myself. It's funny how if you know where to go you can get out right at 5 and never see any cars.

I made my way over through Unionville and then headed towards Wingate. From there I went south and crossed over 601 down at mountain view. That's the big hill you go over south of Monroe going toward Pageland, the one where you go over it and see all the way to the state line. From there I worked my way over to Medlin Rd and started back toward Monroe.

I knew I would be pushing daylight a little bit but I wasn't to worried. I have my taillight and as long as the car behind me can see me I feel safe. Yea, even after Sunday I still say that! Move on, you only live once! Point is I had a great ride and never even thought about the cars behind me.

40 miles later I had enjoyed the best ride so far of this year. I look forward to things heating on up and the spring winds dying down. That's when the road riding starts to be fun........

Yes, I plan to ride this weekend, road ride. I still can't seem to get motivated to ride the mountain bike around here. Unless I slip over to Uhwarrie road it is..............

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