Saturday, April 16, 2011


The weather sucks, that's why I am sitting here writing this blog instead of outside playing like you are supposed to do on a Saturday. One minute the sun is out the next it is raining for like 2 minutes at a time. We are under a severe thunder storm watch and tornado watch until 2.

If it did this during the week I could care less but it is ruining my weekend. Bad enough I had to go to a wedding last night. But now I am losing time out of my weekend!

Just so I don't hurt anybody's feeling I had a good time at the wedding. I met everybody my wife works with and I like them. We went and had a few beers after the wedding, that was a good time. My wife is a nurse and you never know what you are going to hear when you get a group of nurses together. A lot of what you are going to hear you probably don't want to hear! Take my word for it!

Then throw in the alcohol and it is on! People at other tables will stop eating and just stare at you. It happened last night......LOL.....

Oh well, as soon as this storm is outta here I will be too. Have a nice weekend and I will be back Monday.....................

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